Ceiling-mounted LED light fitting DABA PRO
Product code: 19064
Kanlux DABA PRO are ceiling lamps for professional use. We can choose a version without a motion sensor (25W) and with a sensor (26W). Kanlux DABA PRO means IP65 tightness and high resistance to weather conditions, as well as resistance to mechanical damage IK10 and additional protection of the luminaire against opening. Kanlux DABA PRO plafonds can be combined with each other on the MASTER → SLAVE principle, i.e. the first (first and last) luminaire with a sensor controls the series of luminaires. The high quality of Kanlux DABA PRO ceiling fixtures is confirmed by a 5-year warranty.
Product presentationSpecification
- 5 years Warranty under the terms of the warranty statement, available on our website
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41-922 Radzionków
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