Search results: ATL1

16 search results

7 things you need to know about LED bulbs

LED bulbs are becoming more and more popular, mainly due to their energy efficiency. They also have...

Industrial style interior lighting. 5 practical tips

Raw concrete, steel girders and industrial windows - these are the first associations with industrial...

Hall lighting

Lighting in the hall is often neglected. You spend little time there and rarely care to equip it with...

How does light affect the perception of interiors?

Interior design is not just a question of aesthetics but also of comfort. Light is one of the key aspects...

How to illuminate the attic, basement and storage spaces?

Interior design is not limited to the living room and bedroom. More and more people are beginning to...

How does lighting affect the efficiency and well-being of employees?

Properly designed and adjusted lighting can have a significant impact not only on the efficiency but...

Light and consumer sentiment. Lighting of stores

Store lighting is not only a matter of product visibility, but also a key element affecting consumer...