Search results: OVID

15 search results

Industrial style interior lighting. 5 practical tips

Raw concrete, steel girders and industrial windows - these are the first associations with industrial...

4 reasons to choose lighting with light intensity and colour adjustment options

Home lighting is supposed not only to brighten the rooms, but also create a certain ambience. For this...

5 tips to help you choose outdoor lighting

When choosing outdoor lighting for a building, you should take several factors into account - the choice...

Grill gazebo lighting. 5 tips

Warm spring, summer and early autumn is the time for meetings with friends under the open sky and such...

How to choose light bulbs for your home?

How much time do you spend choosing the right bulb? Paradoxically, this is very important. Light, its...

Solar lighting. Key advantages and disadvantages

A lamp that doesn't draw power from the mains? Perfect! That is exactly what fixtures with sources powered...

4 things to consider when planning your porch lighting

Does shorter and shorter days make you realise you need better lighting of the entrance to your house?...

How to get some more light around the house in autumn?

Autumn is the perfect time to experiment with lighting, either artificial or natural. In the afternoon,...

How to choose the right garage lighting for your household?

A garage is a specific place with multiple purposes, so the lighting in it must meet a variety of requirements....