Search results: step

6 search results

4 mistakes that you can avoid when planning façade lighting

The outdoor lighting of a building's, especially the façade, requires almost as much attention as the...

LED strips - stylish and functional

LED strips are the most "spectacular form of lighting". It allows you to create fancy installations....

Artificial intelligence in lighting: innovative solutions for home and flat

Technology is constantly evolving, introducing innovations in various areas of life. One area where artificial...

Modern premium lighting: what is worth investing in?

Lighting at home no longer has only a practical function but is becoming an important interior design...

How to illuminate the attic, basement and storage spaces?

Interior design is not limited to the living room and bedroom. More and more people are beginning to...

Which lighting to choose for the barbecue area?

The right lighting around the barbecue area can make evening gatherings with friends even more enjoyable....

Energy-efficient lighting: a beginner's guide

One of the simple yet effective ways to reduce household energy consumption is to use energy-efficient...