Search results: xled žárovky

2 search results

4 changes to home lighting that will help you reduce electricity bills

Have you ever forgotten to switch off the bathroom light in a hurry? Have you ever failed to notice that...

4 reasons to choose lighting with light intensity and colour adjustment options

Home lighting is supposed not only to brighten the rooms, but also create a certain ambience. For this...

How to choose light bulbs for your home?

How much time do you spend choosing the right bulb? Paradoxically, this is very important. Light, its...

How to get some more light around the house in autumn?

Autumn is the perfect time to experiment with lighting, either artificial or natural. In the afternoon,...

Bedroom lamps

Bedroom lighting should meet a few basic conditions. The most important include the warm colour of the...

The effect of light on human well-being

how does light affect the way we feel, and why should we plan lighting in our homes? Read about it on...

Lighting in a teenager's room – what to pay attention to?

Active, full of energy, with a thousand ideas a minute. Belonging to a subculture or a typical individualist....

How to create mood lighting in a restaurant?

A restaurant is not only a place where you can eat well, but also have a good time and relax. Appropriate...

How to turn an apartment into a relaxation zone?

You've had a hard, tiring day or maybe you've been thrown off balance at work. You overslept in the...